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The Economic Development organization serving Rural Alaska

Where Innovation and traditional values
shine to make communities brighter

AU News

Alaska Unlimited Welcomes Richard Porter as Cultural Sustainment Director

Anchorage, Alaska - August 17, 2023 - Alaska Unlimited, Alaska’s rural economic development organization, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Richard Porter as the Director for Cultural Sustainment. Richard's extensive experience in economic development and land management, along with his deep-rooted understanding of Alaska's unique challenges and opportunities, make him a valuable addition to the Alaska Unlimited Board of Directors.


Alaska Unlimited is dedicated to building opportunity in Alaska's rural communities.  As Alaska faces increasing challenges related to out-migration from rural areas, the organization recognizes the vital importance of preserving and sustaining the rich cultural heritage of our communities. Richard Porter's appointment as the Director of Cultural Sustainment signifies a commitment to addressing these challenges and finding innovative ways to ensure the preservation of traditional Alaskan cultures for generations to come.


Richard Porter comes to Alaska Unlimited as the Executive Director for the Knik Tribe, where he demonstrates exceptional leadership. His years of tribal expertise will be instrumental in guiding Alaska Unlimited's efforts to better understand and mitigate the ongoing out-migration affecting many rural Alaskan communities.  He experience will be crucial in developing strategies to ensure Alaskan Natives who wish to remain in their ancestral homelands can, while building sustainable economic opportunities to do so.


Melanie Welsh, the Executive Director of Alaska Unlimited, expressed her excitement about Richard Porter's appointment, stating, "We are delighted to welcome Richard to the Alaska Unlimited team. His service to Knik Tribe demonstrates the model of economic development in Alaska we embrace and his commitment to preserving Alaska's cultural heritage align perfectly with our organization's mission. Richard's expertise will undoubtedly enhance our ability to build opportunity that drives growth and prosperity in rural Alaska."


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